Congratulations on a well-deserved award for Rachel Riley!! I loved that book so much and have been telling all my friends! I cannot WAIT to read about the funeral ladies of Ellery County. Being from Wisconsin and still residing in the midwest...I have the privilege of knowing many a funeral lady, and they are a special breed all their own. I can't wait to read the story you've created...and March 12...is like...next week! :-O Very excited.

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I am a ding dong lol. It's 3/12/24. 🤦🏼‍♀️

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Dang. Now you're telling me I have to wait a full extra year :D though I did kind of wonder! haha

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Your new book sounds fabulous! Food, church ladies, Wisconsin! I look forward to reading it. What was the food memoir that you mentioned? Those are always enjoyable reads, aren't they??

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Just had to comment about how my husband and I are the same when it comes to media...he makes me watch things like Band of Brothers and I end up unexpectedly loving it. Band of Brothers is just so good!!! Have y'all watched The Pacific? Not quite as good, but still worth a watch.

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Dear Lord, that poor 4yo.

I can't wait to read this, Claire. It sounds like from a place and a people you know very, very deeply, and those are the books I love.

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